Contribute your expertise & your perspective

It’s a great time to volunteer

Lend your skills to help us train folks in responsible data, promote data equity as a critical piece of the data ecosystem and amplify innovation in this space.

Available volunteer opportunities include:

  • editor for blog posts and guest articles

  • operations

  • program coordinator

  • marketing & social media

The time commitment is ideally 2-3 hours a week.

Please fill out our Volunteer Interest Form and we’ll follow up within a week or so.

Write a guest article

Stories of practical implementation of responsible data are a strong focus of our blog. We want to share what you are doing, what challenges you are addressing in your field, and how you are navigating the field of data bias and harm to arrive at new ways of doing things.

We active solicit guest articles, so please reach out to discuss contributing a piece. Our past posts are full of super interesting perspectives and inspiring work.

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay